Residents and Day Attenders go on-line

Residents and Day Attenders from Bayview House in Thurso can now go on-line to keep in touch with families and friends.

B.T connections have provided funding for a laptop and internet access for the Care Home residents while the Dounreay Communities Fund donated £250 towards a laptop and broadband connection for Day Attenders of The Highland Council run facility.

Shona Munro, from Citizens Online has been visiting Bayview House Day Centre weekly to work on a one to one basis with attenders, to enable them to send emails and research information. Shona hopes to role out this training to residents over the coming months.

Anita Davidson, Bayview House Senior Day Care Officer said: “Having the new laptops is a great bonus.  Not only have they enabled people to keep in touch with family and friends in far away places but now all the information on the web can be accessed so easily.  I have been very impressed with how well everyone has been picking up their new computer skills thanks to the expert advice they have received from Shona.”

5 Jul 2010