Opportunity for local businesses to apply for extended licences during Royal National Mod

The Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Divisional Licensing Board have designated the Royal National Mod being held In Caithness between 8th and 16th October 2010 as a special event of local significance for Caithness and have agreed to grant applications for extended hours, until 1.30am,  for on-sales premises for the duration of the event.

Premises licence holders wishing to take advantage of the additional hours should make an early application for extended hours to the Clerk to the Licensing Board at the Council Offices, Market Square, Wick. The fee for the period of the application is £10 and application forms can be obtained from the Highland Council Website, www.highland.gov.uk or from Service Points.

Extended hours applications for hours later than 1.30am or earlier than 11am will be determined by the Licensing Board on a case by case basis and precise details of the special event or occasion to be held on the premises must be given. Applicants should consider the licensing objectives when completing the application and include references to door stewarding, provision of food and noise control if appropriate.

Any premises licence holder  wishing to make an application for extended hours or any voluntary group or premises or personal licence holder wishing to apply for an occasional licence is  encouraged to contact David Inglis, the Licensing Standards Officer at Wick (01966 607705 or david.inglis@highland.gov.uk ) for further information and guidance.

Applicants should note that extended hours applications made with less than 10 days notice or occasional licence applications made with less than 28 days notice may not be granted in time for the event.


7 Jul 2010