The Culloden Avenue treasure trail

The new sculpture trail in Culloden Avenue will feature in a special treasure trail event organised by The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers on Tuesday 13 July.

Suitable for families, participants are being invited to solve the clues and follow the trail in search of the mythical creatures and beings in the sculpture trail hidden in the woods. 

John Orr, Countryside ranger for Inverness East and Nairn said, “This is a great chance to get out and about with your kids and discover the delights of Culloden Avenue. The Avenue is a spectacular setting for this event with its massive old specimen trees lining the length of the route. We will also be showcasing the giant new sculpture trail within the woods. Some of the chiselled characters will be helping the children to solve their clues and find the hidden treasure.”

People wishing to come along should meet up between 2pm and 2.30pm.  There is a charge of £3 for adults and £2 for children.  Places should be booked in advance by telephoning 01463 710786

This event is organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Services countryside events programme.  The aim of the Highland Council Countryside Rangers is to promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and to conserve wildlife. 2010 is International Year of Biodiversity.

7 Jul 2010