Fort William regeneration project at the West End nears completion

Works to Gordon Square and the west end of the High Street in Fort William are nearing completion, with the majority of works expected to be completed on Friday (16 July).

The project, which was part of the ‘Routes West’ bid to the Town Centre Regeneration Fund, has allowed the upgrade of the underpass at the East End and the creation of a new end-point for the West Highland Way, relocation of the pedestrian crossing, enhanced lighting, installation of the sculpture ‘Sore Feet’ as well as improved streetworks through to the West End roundabout.

The use of stainless steel and aluminium deliberates reflects the materials used in the Underpass, strengthening the link between two of the areas best known long-distance walks – the West Highland Way and the Great Glen Way.

Information boards will offer additional shorter walking alternatives as well as offering a little of the heritage of the area.

All of these plans have been drafted in consultation with the Fort William Steering Group and also have the support of the Lochaber Partnership, Lochaber’s community planning partnership.

The works have been completed within the planned 10-week contract period by Pat Munro (Alness) Ltd and funding has been made available from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Regeneration Fund, The Highland Council, EU Highland LEADER 2007-2013 Programme and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

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14 Jul 2010