Party time for West Highland Wayfarers

Calling anyone who has walked the West Highland Way. You are invited to join a party in the West End of Fort William to mark the completion of the new end of the famous walk from Milngavie. 

Those accepting the invite will join other guests in walking the last mile of the route before being entertained by pipe bands and street entertainment.

The day of celebration is Saturday 11 September.

The party is a thank you to all the community who have supported this project.

Fort William Councillor Donald Cameron said: “The suggestion to invite previous wayfarers to walk the last mile came from a local lad who in the past walked the route. It is a great idea and also a good excuse for a party. There will be entertainment laid on but we will be encouraging walkers to bring instruments for a Stramash and a Ho-ro-gheallaidh in the Gearasdan.”

Further details about the event will be made available nearer the time.

The creation of a new finish to the West Highland Way, which stretches from Milngavie, is part of the transformation of Fort William’s east and west end, which is largely complete, with the conclusion of works at Gordon Square.

The revamp which has created a customised end for the West Highland Way, with the creation of terraced grassed areas, increased pedestrian space, new seating, lighting and artworks will provide a fitting welcome for those completing the exhausting 96 mile walk.

The use of stainless steel and aluminium deliberately reflects the materials used in the Underpass, which was refurbished and re-opened at the beginning of June.  This strengthens the link between two of the areas best known long-distance walks – the West Highland Way and the Great Glen Way.

The works have been completed by Pat Munro (Alness) Ltd and funding has been made available from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Regeneration Fund, Highland Council, EU Highland LEADER 2007-2013 Programme, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Rotary Club of Lochaber.

Councillor Brian Murphy, Local Member and Chairman of the Fort William Steering Group said: “The Routes West Project greatly enhances the streetscape of Fort William and will hopefully lead to more development of the West End. These are difficult times but we need to be positive as a community and encourage continual improvement of the High Street so that it can meet the challenges ahead. The Fort William Steering Group wants to work with High Street businesses and property owners to see what can be done to improve the appearance of some of the properties in town which detract from the favourable impression which we need to present to the world.

“I would like to thank everyone for tolerating the disruption during construction works but I’m sure all will agree that the inconvenience has been worthwhile”

21 Jul 2010