Signing up to tackle climate change

Members of the Highland Environment Forum have shown their commitment to tackle climate change by gathering together to sign up to the Joint Highland Climate Change Declaration and pledging to reduce their emissions by 3% per annum.

Highland Environment Forum is a partnership between The Highland Council, SNH, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Northern Constabulary, Highland Environment Network, Community Energy Scotland, Highland Birchwoods, Forestry Commission Scotland, the Crofters Commission, RSPB, SEPA, NFU Scotland, Cifal Findhorn and the Scottish Rural Property and Business Association. The group are collectively taking action to mitigate against climate change, reduce their Carbon Footprint and share and promote best practice. 

Chairman of the Forum, Highland Councillor Isobel McCallum welcomes the signing of the Declaration.  She said: “Awareness and acceptance of the impact of global climate change is steadily increasing in the political, media and public arenas and it is one of the toughest new challenges facing us all. By signing this Declaration forum members are leading by example.  We all share the goal to ensure greener, more efficient ways of working and delivering services in the Highlands are achieved by adapting how we operate. By working together we can make a significant difference so I am delighted that this commitment is being supported wholeheartedly by everyone involved.  It reinforces the Highlands’ reputation as a green, clean and secure place for communities and visitors alike.”

The commitment given by all members of the Forum is to:

• Measure their Carbon Footprint and work to reduce emissions from operations by 3% per annum;

• Provide an annual update of progress towards emission reductions;

• Share information and work with partners in Highland to promote good practice on climate change;

• Encourage and work with others in business and communities to take action to adapt to the impact of climate change to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions and to make the public committed to action.

In agreeing action, the Forum recognises the need to promote sustainable development and the well being of local communities.  The group also acknowledges that Climate Change may bring opportunities for the Highlands in terms of renewable energy generation and will also have an impact on our weather, economy and environment.

To complement the signing of the Declaration The Royal Society of Edinburgh are holding a public meeting in Inverness on Wednesday (2 June) in the Town House at 6pm to give people the chance to make their views heard as part of a major inquiry into how Scotland responds to climate change.



4 Jan 2011