Follow-through HMIe inspection of Helmsdale Primary School

As part of the inspectorate’s ongoing strategy for evaluating the educational provision of local authorities, a report is issued today (Monday 7 June 2010) on the follow through inspection by HMIe of the quality of education at Helmsdale Primary School carried out on 27/28 April 2010.

The follow-through report is based on the initial inspection visit which was carried out in September 2008 and describes the improvements that have been made since that original inspection.

In a very positive school report, HMIe highlighted as strengths the enthusiastic and well motivated children in the nursery and P1 P3 classes, children’s positive behaviour, the promising start made by the school in taking forward initiatives related to Curriculum for Excellence and the staff’s effective contributions to the care and welfare of children.

HMIe noted that children at all stages now work well together in pairs and small groups.  Most children benefit from examples of very effective teaching, in which they are encouraged to be responsible, independent learners and to think for themselves. The school has maintained good standards of attainment in listening, talking, reading, writing and mathematics.  Most children are achieving expected national levels with those in the early stages achieving earlier than might normally be expected.

Children in the school are well supported by teachers and support staff who give most children useful individual support which helps them in their learning.  Most tasks and activities set by teachers are now at the correct level of difficulty for children.  Children also willingly take on responsibilities and support each other well.

Teamwork among staff is improving.  Most staff now work well together to support the learning of all pupils.  Improved monitoring of young people’s progress is helping to clarify where their strengths lie and what their next steps in learning are.  School communication with parents is now more regular and of a higher quality.  The Head Teacher and staff are committed to improving the school community.  All staff expect high standards from pupils in their learning, behaviour and attendance.  All children respond well.  There is evidence of significant improvement since the original inspection.  The school now performs better overall and HMIe will not be making any further visits.

As in all reports, HMIe suggest ways in which the school might sustain its agenda for improvement and has identified the need to bring greater consistency of practice across all stages in Helmsdale maintaining the progress made in the early stages throughout the school. 

The Parent Council continues to support the school well and Mr Mike Parsons the Parent Council’s Chairperson commented: “Well done to all the staff. Good progress is evident in all aspects of school activity"

Glenn Paton, the Head Teacher for the school said: “The contribution of the staff individually, and as a team, was the key to the progress which has been made since August 2008 and their hard work and dedication deserves recognition. The encouragement and support of the Parent Council is also appreciated.”

Chair of the Highland Council Education Committee Mr. Bill Fernie said: “The Head Teacher, staff, parents and pupils at Helmsdale have put a great deal of time and effort into making the improvements noted by HMIe.  It is good that these efforts have been recognised.  I am pleased that HMIe do not consider that further visits will be required and that the Local Authority and school working together can address those matters that still require attention.”

4 Jan 2011