Wick school developing motivated, confident and caring pupils.

Important strengths predominate in the report published today (8 June 2010) by HMIe on South Primary School and nursery class in Wick.  Pupils motivation and willingness to learn, their achievements beyond the classroom, the school's care and welfare for those who need additional support and the partnerships with the local community promoted by the Head Teacher are highlighted for particular praise.

Inspectors found pupils are happy friendly and well-behaved.  Relationships with staff are positive; pupils get on well together and are making good progress in their work. Experiences in art, music and sports are helping them build confidence.  Opportunities to broaden their achievements outside school also contribute to their personal development and P6/7 pupils are building their own car to compete in a national technology competition.  Pupils take on responsibilities within school as members of the pupil council and on groups which promote healthy living, eco issues, road safety and older pupils "buddy" younger children to ease their integration into school.  They demonstrate an understanding and care for others through their work to raise funds for charity.

The report commends staff for their understanding of pupils’ learning needs and the effective support they provide to help pupils succeed, particularly for those who need additional help.  It highlights the partnership working with other professionals, local businesses and voluntary organisations to support pupils and their families.  HMIe identified the role the Head Teacher played in building very supportive relationships with parents, families and the local community and in encouraging staff in improving learning and teaching.

As part of the inspection process inspectors also offered advice on how to further improve the provision made for young people in the school.  They feel there are opportunities for more use of ICT to support learning and a greater challenge for some pupils to improve their attainment in language and maths.  The school and the local authority will now work together to further develop these areas.

Head Teacher, Ms Pat Bowers said: “This is an encouraging report for our school. We recognise within our school that the children are keen to learn. South School teachers and support staff work hard to provide many additional activities out with the classroom and this has been acknowledged by the Inspectors. South School is in the heart of the community and we will continue to work together for the benefit of the children.”

Chairperson of the Parent Council, Mrs Brandy Miller said: “I’m pleased that the HMIE team have commented on the positive aspects of our school. The school is very much part of our community and this has been recognised. The children have shown great citizenship and this is vital for our community as a whole.”

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am pleased that South School has received recognition for all their work, both curricular and non-curricular. I have no doubt that the school will use this positive report as a reference point to build upon into the future, for the benefit of the pupils.” 

4 Jan 2011