Budget consultation roadshow continues through Ross-shire

The implications of budget challenges facing The Highland Council will be the focus of discussions across Ross-shire over the next two weeks.

Budget consultations events will be held at the Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum in the British Legion, Dingwall on Wednesday 16 June; then on to the Cromarty Firth Ward on Thursday 17 June in Ardross hall and ending at the Wester Ross, Strathpeffer and Lochalsh Forum in Lochcarron on 21 June.

Ward Councillors will chair the public meetings which will also be attended by Highland Council Convener Councillor Sandy Park; Budget Leader David Alston; local Ward Councillors as well as Chief Executive Alistair Dodds; and Depute Chief Executive and Director of Finance, Alan Geddes.

Councillor Alston said: “We have posed some really big questions in our consultation documents and intend engaging with as wide an audience as possible in addressing the budget challenges we will face over the coming years.”

The budget consultation process began in March and will run until the end of June.  The Council aims to make decisions on the budget savings in the autumn and members of the public are being urged to take this opportunity to have their say. 

The budget roadshow is the latest in a series of Ward Forum consultations being held in public.  There will be opportunities during the consultation for members of the public to ask questions.  You can also take part in the consultation via the consultation blog on the Highland Council website.

The details of the budget themes being discussed at the Forum and where events are being held can be viewed at:  http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/news/blog/


4 Jan 2011