Inverness pupils fund raise for South African trip

Pupils from Charleston Academy are busy preparing for two fund raising events to raise money for ten S4 and S6 students to visit J.E Malepe Secondary School in Tsakane, South Africa during the Easter holidays next year.

The Highland Council’s Youth team and the Monday night Youth Café members are working in partnership with the pupils to help raise as much money as possible with a series of events from now until next year.

The first event will be a special World Cup celebration day on Friday (11 June) where, for a donation, Charleston pupils will dress in their favourite football team colours and take part in football themed fun activities and face painting.

The second event will be a Transition disco on Monday 14 June at 18.45 in the school.  The DJ for the night will be 4th year pupil Michael Morrison and tickets are on sale now to Charleston pupils and P7 pupils from local schools who will be moving up into secondary school next term.

Youth Worker Nicola Rasdale said:  “The Transition disco will be a great event for new S1 pupils to get together to have some fun, make new friends and see the skills their peers have.  The pupils going to South Africa have all been working really hard to raise money.  It has really been a great team effort involving the Youth Café members too so I hope both events are a big success. The group are also putting their heads together to come up with more ideas for events so people should look out in the local press for further details from now until they leave for South Africa next Easter.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation for the trip should contact John Mackay at Charleston Academy.  Details of other fund raising events

4 Jan 2011