Hitrans Chairman Welcomes Lower Air Fare Scheme

Councillor Charlie King, the chairman of HITRANS, the strategic transport authority for the Highlands and Islands, has welcomed the introduction of a new lower air fares scheme for people living in island and rural communities in the Highlands and Islands.

From 15 May, the Air Discount Scheme (ADS) will provide a 40 per cent reduction on air fares for people whose main residence is any of the following: Western Isles, Orkney, Shetland, Islay and Jura, Caithness and North-West Sutherland. The scheme will also include students from these areas who are studying away from home.

Scottish Transport Minister Tavish Scott announced the refinement of the scheme, to include residents in the Highland Council electoral wards of North West Sutherland and Tongue and Farr, on Friday 31 March when he met members of HITRANS at Inverness Airport. He has urged all eligible residents in Caithness and North West Sutherland to register their interest as soon as possible.

Councillor King said: "The announcement by the Transport Minister recognises the efforts we have been making in recent years to win a better deal for people living in rural and remote communities. I am pleased that students as well as residents in Caithness and North West Sutherland have been included in the scheme.

"Hopefully, the scheme will result in increased air traffic and improvements in scheduled air services to and from the Highlands and Islands including frequency of service and routes served."

18 Apr 2006