Street named after former Highland Councillor

A lasting tribute has been made to the former long serving Highland Councillor David Munro.

At a new Cairn Housing development in a beautiful location near Fraser Park in Inverness a street has been named after Mr Munro.

At the recent opening of the new development of eight homes for rent, Provost of Inverness Councillor Jimmy Gray unveiled a plaque dedicating a street “David Munro Close”.

Provost Gray said: “It’s extremely appropriate for this street to be named David Munro Close as he was Councillor of the area and was very committed to affordable housing during his term of service at the Council. Added to that we had many requests from people in the community who came forward with the suggestion to name it after him.”

Attending the event were members of Mr Munro’s family; Brian Gegan, Chief Executive and Marion Notman, Chair of Cairn Housing Association.

Councillor Munro died at the age of 56 in December 2006 after a period of illness. He was elected to the former Inverness District Council in May 1980 and to The Highland Council at successive elections in 1995, 1999 and 2003, representing Raigmore.

4 Jan 2011