Multi Agency Round Up - Rock Ness 2010

Multi agency partners are happy to report that Rock Ness 2010 has passed without any serious incidents and revellers did not let the spell of bad weather dampen their spirits. This year saw one of the lowest levels of reported crimes, with 14 people detained over the event for alleged crimes including drug dealing, theft, assault, drink driving and breach of the peace.

A total number of 172 positive drug searches were carried out at the event with amounts of class A, B and C drugs seized, these were mainly carried out on the entrances to the venue with pro-active police officers and dog section staff from both Northern Constabulary and Strathclyde Police.Resilience Advisor for the Scottish Ambulance Service, Iain MacKay commented on the medical services side of the event after 278 people were admitted to the field hospital over the duration, of which 19 were taken onwards to Raigmore Hospital:  "Rockness has been a very successful event for the medical services. There were no serious incidents and the medical services coped well.

"I am grateful to the doctors, nurses from Event Medical Services and the staff and volunteers of the British Red Cross who all assisted the Scottish Ambulance Service in providing enhanced medical and first aid cover at Rockness 2010."

A successful Highland Council operation involving officers from Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Building Standards has had significant input into this years event. Over the weekend Environmental Health staff carried out 110 food hygiene and health and safety inspections of traders and concessions.  They were also involved in regular checks of the site infrastructure and completed noise monitoring within and out with the arena.

City Manager, David Haas said:  “There has been good cooperation and liaison with event organisers and partner agencies throughout the event which has assisted the Council in its regulatory role.”

Youth Convenor Magnus Monahan for the Highland Council offered his services over the weekend to aid Safeness, the festival safety campaign, and commented on his experience:  "It was great being involved in the Safeness campaign and being able to interact with people attending the event from a health and safety perspective.  It was great working with volunteers from Crew 2000, Drug Action Team and sexual health charity, Terrence Higgins Trust to play a part in keeping people healthier and safer at this year's festival."

14 Jun 2010