West Ross is location for Dragonfly Safari

An invitation is being extended to people interested in dragonflies to join The Highland Council Countryside Rangers and members of the British Dragonfly Society on safari in the Ullapool area on 26 and 27 June.

The aim of the event is to celebrate National Dragonfly Week, which is run by the British Dragonfly Society and to survey some of the remote areas of Britain that are not already included in the Society’s five year survey of Britain’s dragon and damselflies.

On Saturday 26th, anyone with little knowledge about, or who has never seen dragonflies before can join Wester Ross Countryside Ranger, Lindsey Duncan and Jonathan Willet from the British Dragonfly Society to study the pools and ponds around Loch Achall near Ullapool. Seven species of dragonfly and damselfly have been already found at Loch Achall but there are at least ten more to find.

Jonathan Willet, Highland Biodiversity Officer and British Dragonfly Society member said: “Late June is a great time to see dragonflies as they are on the wing so it is a great time to get out and have a look for some of the 18 or so species that can be found in the Highlands.”

On Sunday 27th the safari will extend towards East Rhidorroch Lodge for more dragonfly searching. So far there are only four dragonfly species recorded here leaving plenty of opportunity to discover more.

Both events take place from 10am to 4pm. To book a place telephone: 01854 613904. The meeting place will be given out on booking. Each event is free event but donations will be gratefully received.

Lindsey Duncan, Highland Council Wester Ross Countryside Ranger said: “A warm summer day in June is perfect for spotting dragonflies. This is a great opportunity to join us and discover more about these attractive and vibrant creatures which are among the most ancient living insects in the world.”
Further information about dragonflies is available at the British Dragonfly Society website at http://british-dragonflies.org.uk/ or a leaflet on dragonflies and damselflies is available from Jonathan Willet, Highland Biodiversity Officer at The Highland Council on tel: 01463 702274.

15 Jun 2010