Maryburgh girl receives award

Katie MacBeath from Maryburgh, has completed her Bronze Youth Achievement Award after successfully completing four challenges, involving 60 hours of volunteer work in her local community.

One of sixteen year old Kate’s challenges was to help out at her local youth club and the busy teenager  also volunteered during an activity programme for new 1st year pupils at Dingwall Academy.

Fiona Richardson, Youth Development Officer for the Dingwall area said: “Youth Achievement Awards are a fantastic opportunity for young people to develop personal and social development through the achievement of this award.  The whole process gives young people the chance to increase their self awareness and self esteem as well as enhancing communication and planning skills.  Young people are able to set their own challenges which are relevant to their own needs.

“Katie put a lot of hard work into her award and she kept a brilliant portfolio of evidence.  We are currently working with another group of young people towards achieving their awards and are keen to support others through the process.”

Youth Achievement Awards enable young people to develop their personal and social skills.  Young people gain nationally recognised accreditation though the awarding body ASDAN and provide opportunities to achieve qualifications through non-formal learning.

Anyone interested in finding out more information about Youth Achievement Awards should contact Fiona Richardson on 0787 945 6798.

15 Jun 2010