Charleston Academy School Inspection

Charleston Academy has received a very positive report from school inspectors.

 The particular strengths of the school were identified as:

• Responsible young people who treat others with respect.

• Very positive relationships and an inclusive ethos.

• Partnership working with parents and partner agencies to support learning.

• Staff’s teamwork and engagement in professional development.

• The clear vision and direction provided by the head teacher.

Head teacher Calum MacSween said: “I am pleased that the report captures many of the elements that make Charleston Academy a successful secondary school.  Staff/pupil relationships and partnerships with parents are  core elements.   I am particularly pleased to see these recognised and celebrated in the report.”

Chair of Charleston Academy Parent Council, Jill Kent, added: “I am delighted that the inspection highlighted the very positive ethos of the school.  It is a real credit to the entire staff who are so dedicated and provide such a variety of learning experiences for the students.”

As a result of the very good quality of education provided by the school, the inspectors will make no further visits in connection with their recent inspection. However, the education authority will continue to inform parents about the school’s progress as part of the authority’s arrangements for reporting to parents on the quality of its schools.


15 Jun 2010