Charleston Academy switches on to solar power

Charleston Academy in Inverness is one of six Highland secondary schools now generating its own clean and free renewable energy.

35 photo-voltaic panels for the school roof were recently commissioned at a cost of £30,883.00, £15,441.50 of which came as a grant from the Scottish Governments Low Carbons Building Programme.

The estimated annual energy yield is 5,000 (kwh) per year, this equates to an approximate saving of 3000 kilo-grams of carbon per year which is enough to fill 18 double decker buses.

Head Teacher Calum McSween said:  “Apart from the savings which will accrue, the solar panels are a very useful on-site illustration for any lessons that touch on energy use. The fact that there is a monitoring panel outside the school office means that everyone can have a daily update on the energy generated and emissions saved.”

The Highland Council was one of the first of Scotland's 32 Local Authorities to sign Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration and last week as a member of the Highland Environmental Forum it signed a joint Highland Climate Change Declaration pledging to reduce emissions by 3% per annum.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Climate Control Working Group, Councillor Michael Foxley said:  “Our priority is to look at our own estate and identify ways we can cut down on the amount of energy our buildings use and build on the Highlands’ reputation as a green and clean location.  One of the proactive things we can look at is tapping into alternative green sources of energy and I am delighted that Charleston Academy now has the ability to use a free source of power.”

The other senior schools in the Highlands also producing their own electricity from PV panels are Thurso Academy, Invergordon Academy, Grantown High School, Culloden Academy and Inverness High School.

16 Jun 2010