Council delighted with choice of Beechwood for Inverness College campus

The Highland Council is delighted that the board of management of Inverness College has chosen Beechwood – to the south-east of Inverness – for the site of its new campus.

The Council had unanimously supported the choice of Beechwood. It  sees the development of a new, high-quality Inverness campus as an essential part of the University of the Highlands and Islands Millennium Institute (UHIMI).  The relocation of Inverness College from the current Longman Road site is seen as an important part of the first phase of development of the site.  The Longman site offers attractive redevelopment opportunities.

Convener Sandy Park said: “This is excellent news. We will do everything we can to make this project a success. The development of a new campus in Inverness is a top priority for the Council because of the training and employment needs of the Highlands as well as the economy. The Beechwood site offers the opportunity for an integrated, sustainable and high-quality new development with wide spin-off benefits.”

Leader of the Council’s Administration Councillor Michael Foxley said: “Inverness College is a key part of the UHI and a key part of the future of the city of Inverness and the Highlands. This investment at Beechwood will finally provide Inverness with new modern facilities for a growing number of students and bring major economic benefits throughout the city.”

18 Jun 2010