New Head Teacher for Applecross Primary School

A permanent Head Teacher has been appointed for Applecross Primary. She is Suzanne Gillies who is currently a teacher at Kirknewton Primary School in West Lothian.

From 2000 to 2006 Mrs Gillies was a class teacher at Lochcarron Primary School.  Following her time at Lochcarron she moved to France for a year to improve her French and spend more time with her young daughter.  Since her return to Scotland she has taught in West Lothian.

She said: “I am very pleased to be moving to Applecross.  I know the community well and understand its special nature. I am looking forward tremendously to the opportunity of leading Applecross School and working with the staff, parents and children.”

Vice Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee, Councillor Drew Millar said: “We are delighted to have appointed Mrs Gillies who understands the requirements of education in west Highland communities.  I am sure that parents, pupils and staff of the school will welcome this appointment of a new Head Teacher.”

Natalie Fox, Member of the Parent Council said: “The Parent Council are delighted that Suzanne has been appointed as Head Teacher of Applecross School.  She impressed us greatly at interview and we look forward to working with Suzanne to ensure the provision of high quality education at our school.”

The school which after the summer holidays is expected to have 11 pupils, is located on the Applecross Peninsula in Wester Ross between Loch Torridon (to the north) and Loch Carron and Loch Kishorn (to the south).

21 Jun 2010