Young writers to launch their first books

A group of eighteen young writers from Cauldeen Primary School in Inverness have created a beautifully illustrated first book of original stories called ‘The Mysterious Traveller’.

Working together with Jessie Paul from Eden Court the children gathered inspiration as they walked around the local area. As they walked they discovered many fascinating places which they have included in their collection of stories – some mysterious, some disturbing and some downright silly.

The collection of stories come alive with the marvellous illustrations as the reader’s imagine the places described and uncovered by the writers. The book can used in conjunction with an audio CD and walking instructions. On the CD the exciting stories are set to music and sound effects supported by musicians Hector Macinnes and Leighton JonesTwo of the stories have been filmed by local film maker Roddy Nicolson.

Head teacher George Glass said:  “By walking around the local area listening to the stories we hope readers will really understand the creative journeys and places the children’ imagination took them. Without the support of Eden Court’s  Jessie Paul, the Education Team and the financial support of Creative Identities this drive in Cauldeen School to inspire young writers through drama, literacy and film media would not have been possible. As one young writer responded to this unique experience, ‘I loved the project. It gave me a chance to share my stories openly with others and I love writing.”

A second fabulous book ‘A Dream for Peace’ has been written and illustrated by twelve year old Cauldeen Primary pupil Emily Reid  and is published in paperback this month. Emily is a very talented and gifted young writer who was inspired by Michael Morpurgo’s beautifully written book ‘The Kites are Flying’ and the exciting British Council eTwinning and Connecting Classrooms project in which she was involved.

This inspirational story is based in the Middle East and expresses a child’s hope for peace in a troubled land.  Author Michael Morpurgo has read Emily’s book and has written to Emily saying ‘I love ‘A Dream for Peace’ – thanks so much for sending it. I shall keep it and read it to the children when I go to Palestine and Israel.’  Michael Morpugo is one of an extensive list of class readers used to support literacy in Cauldeen School.

Both books are being launched at Eden Court Theatre on Wednesday 23rd June at 10.30am. All the creative and talented young writes involved in both books will be joined by parents and friends. The event is also open for anyone wishing to come along and give support.

22 Jun 2010