Caithness Community Care Consultation

Members of the Caithness public have a chance to make their voice heard as part of the consultation process on changes to community care services in the Highlands. This event will be held in the Park Hotel, Thurso on Tuesday 29 June with a 7.30pm start. The consultation will be led by Ian Thomson, Project Manager, Change Support Team, Social Work Service.

The Highland Community Care Partnership (The Highland Council and NHS Highland) is bringing together a new Joint Community Care Plan. This is will be their central tool for co-ordinating their approach to providing care and support to adults in need. This can include older people and other vulnerable groups, such as people with learning disability, sensory impairment, mental health and/or substance misuse problems and those who are homeless.

The Partnership have already been involved in gathering people’s views in a variety of different ways, including through stakeholder forums, consultation documents and by Highland Community Care Forum listening to “harder to reach” groups. As part of the consultation process they are now are aiming to discuss their plans with Ward Forums.

Ian Thomson said “The Highland Community Care Partnership (The Highland Council and NHS Highland) is currently putting together a new Joint Community Care Plan. In it partners aim to clearly set out how we will go about providing care and support over the coming years. We want to make sure our plans for Community Care fully reflect what matters most to people, and we have already been involved in gathering people’s views in a variety of ways. As part of this we are coming to speak to ward forums: we hope to inform people there about our plans and summarise what we have heard so far. We hope to take the opportunity to discuss with people who attend how we can change Community Care for the better, and how we can work with communities and individuals to provide the support they need.”

The Joint Forum will be chaired by Landward Councillor David Flear.

23 Jun 2010