Encouraging Barn Owls To Caithness

As part of the Local Biodiversity Action plan for Caithness, a dozen barn owl boxes have been built around the county to increase the number of available sites for the bird to nest in. Once regarded as a scarce visitor to this area, the number of barn owls in Caithness has been steadily increasing over the past few years.

More boxes will be provided next year so any land owner wanting a box should get in touch with Mary Legg, The Highland Council’s Countryside Ranger at 01847 821531.

Mary said: "Many barn owls depend on manmade structures to nest in and, in the past, barns were made with a special hole on an end wall to encourage nesting and thereby helping to control the mice population.

"With modern barns there are less of those good nesting ledges available but by placing large boxes in the corner of buildings with access for owls it gives them a place where they can breed."

The Thurso Rotary Club built some of the owl and smaller tit boxes and the barn owl boxes were built by Colin Robertson.

This project is part of the Implementation programme funded by The Highland Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, Leader plus and Scotland Making it Work programme.

18 Apr 2006