Heavenly Talk Inspired By the Stars

The Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers, are looking to the sky for inspiration for an evening talk on Friday (14 April) in Glen Urquhart on the myths and legends surrounding the stars and constellations.

Why not come along and discover what you have to do to win a place in the heavens or hear the stories behind Virgo, Aries, Cancer and the other zodiac signs? You can also learn about the rest of the heavenly bodies who march across our skies night after night.

Countryside Ranger within the Council’s Planning and Development Service, Corinne Hambly said: "I’m really enjoying researching the stories that come from the stars. The ancient myths and legends are some of the oldest and greatest stories ever told and I’m hoping to carry on the tradition by sharing these tales with people who come along on the night."

The talk takes place from 8pm to 9pm in Balnain Hall, Glen Urquhart. Admission is free and everyone is welcome to come along.


18 Apr 2006