Highland Councillors Object To Application For Overhead Power Line

At a special meeting of The Highland Council’s Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee held today (Wednesday 12 April) in Inverness, Councillors objected to an application from Scottish and Southern Energy plc for the erection of a 400 kV overhead transmission line between Beauly and Denny. The matter will now be subject to a Public Inquiry.

Members unanimously objected to the application on the grounds that four specific lengths identified in the application would have significant adverse amenity impacts. They felt more detailed information was needed regarding the impact the development would have on minor roads in the area and also wanted the opportunity to consider a UK Government report, due to be published later this year, specifically examining the possible link associated with high voltage overhead transmission lines and cases of childhood leukaemia.

During the hearing, which followed a site meeting held at the end of March, the Committee heard representations from the applicant and a number of objectors.

Director John Rennilson said: "Although the Committee recognises that a high voltage electricity transmission system is key for the development of renewable energy in the Highlands, they did not feel that the proposal presented to them today was acceptable.

"We will now be calling for the Scottish Executive to hold an early meeting between the Scottish and Southern Energy plc, affected Local Authorities, Cairngorm National Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage, SEPA and Historic Scotland to explore and report on alternative overhead or under grounding routing and to look at ways to address the issues raised by objectors.

"This is an important issue and we cannot afford to tread water until the Public Inquiry in the autumn."

18 Apr 2006