New resource to help bring curriculum to life

Teachers in Highland will be using a new toolkit to help explain changes to the school curriculum to parents.  The resource aims to give mums, dads and carers more information about how the new curriculum will affect their children and how they can get involved.

Schools in Highland are currently preparing and developing their plans for implementation of Curriculum for Excellence in August 2010.  This resource lets teachers show parents examples of how learning will change with film clips, images and slides to bring it to life.

Leaflets have also been developed for parents to explain each level - early years, primary and secondary and posters for school notice boards and sent to every school.

The Parent Toolkit can be viewed online at

Curriculum for Excellence has been introduced to raise standards of learning and teaching and help improve children's life chances. 

Schools are currently planning for implementation of the new curriculum in 2010-11.

John Considine, Acting Head of Education Services at The Highland Council, said:  “We welcome this resource. Curriculum for Excellence will have an impact on every learner. It will improve standards and develop skills in all of our young people. Many of the key decisions about the contexts for learning are taken at individual school level and the materials give head teachers a useful framework for engaging with parents. Parents have a key role to play in encouraging their children and supporting them in their learning. The materials issued are very flexible yet good quality which will allow head teachers to personalise presentations to parents.  

The resource was developed following research which showed parents want more information about Curriculum for Excellence from teachers and their child's school.  The toolkit was developed by Learning and Teaching Scotland with the National Parental Involvement Coordinator, parents, headteachers, teachers, and council staff across Scotland.

Parents should ask their child’s school for more information on the new curriculum or visit

2 Mar 2010