New head teacher for Carrbridge Primary School

The new head teacher of Carrbridge Primary School is Miss Jillian Kean, who, since August last year, has been the acting head teacher at the 67-pupil school.

Miss Kean moved to the Highlands 18 months ago as the depute head teacher of Dalneigh Primary School, Inverness.  She had previously worked in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire, and at Rashielea Primary School, Erskine, Renfrewshire, as a principal teacher and acting depute head teacher.

She takes up her post immediately. One of her first responsibilities as head teacher will be to welcome HMIe inspectors from the middle of March.

Miss Kean replaces Jo Jo Offord, who is now head teacher of Tomnacross and Teanassie Primary Schools.


3 Mar 2010