HMIe report on Aviemore Primary School

Pupils at Aviemore Primary School were praised by HMIe in their recent report for being enthusiastic, well behaved and well-motivated learners. Staff were also not far behind in being recognised for their success.

Under the care of a strong Nursery team which encourages confidence and independence in all pupils, the quality of children’s learning experiences was judged to be a particular strength.  Children in the Nursery class were found to be making good progress in their development and learning. 

HMIe found that throughout the school, many children demonstrate responsible citizenship skills and contribute effectively to the community through a variety of activities and groups.  They are also keen to take responsibilities e.g. Pupil Council, action groups.  Children, particularly at P7, work well together to build each others’ confidence and achieve success.  At P6 and P7 stages written work is of a particularly high standard. 

Staff also came in for high praise from the inspectors.  The contribution of support for learning teachers and staff has a very positive impact on children’s progress.  Staff are providing more opportunities for children to make choices in their own learning.

Support for learning provision for mainstream and Rainbow class children is seen a particular strength of the school.  Children in Rainbow class benefit from well-planned and stimulating individual learning programmes.  HMIe also commented on the good support provided for pupils at transition from Nursery to P1 and particularly for P7 pupils transferring to Kingussie High School.

The Depute Head Teacher, Principal Teacher and support for learning teacher were all identified as providing strong support for staff and children.  In similar vein, teaching and auxiliary staff meet children’s learning needs well and under the leadership of Head Teacher, Rona Smith.  Attainment in key areas has improved.  However, all staff are aware of the need to further improve attainment in Writing.

All staff look forward to improving communication with parents and developing further the links with Parent Council who work hard to provide much needed financial support for the school.

The inspectors recommended further development of the curriculum in line with Curriculum for Excellence to ensure that children have more opportunities to use ICT to support their learning. They also recommended enhanced team-work to achieve that goal.

Head Teacher Mrs Rona Smith welcomed the report. She said: “I am looking forward to supporting and encouraging stronger teamwork and to providing staff with further opportunities for leadership for learning across the curriculum. I believe that the report provides a very good platform for further improvement and am delighted that the willingness of staff to take on additional responsibilities to improve the school was identified by HMIe as a particular strength.”

The inspectors expressed confidence in the school’s capacity to improve and will make no further visits in relation to their recommendations.

9 Mar 2010