Scottish Government judges on Council’s West Highland planning policy

People with an interest in The Highland Council’s West Highland and Islands Local Plan, which covers Skye, Lochalsh, Lochaber and a small part of Badenoch, can now see a copy of the ‘Report of Examination’ from The Scottish Government’s Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals on the Council’s website or read a paper copy at the Portree and Fort William Service Points and the local libraries in the area covered by the Plan.

The Report contains the judgements of three Scottish Government Reporters who have considered what changes to make to the Plan in the light of objections from pro and anti development parties.

There are still some statutory procedures to complete which will be subject of a report to the Council’s relevant Committee in May but this effectively marks the end of the public debate on the Plan’s content.

The changes will not affect any existing planning permissions. The Plan once adopted will have a five year life span.

9 Mar 2010