Memorable flag raising event marks schools success

A Black Watch piper played as a flag was proudly raised at Croy Primary earlier today in recognition of the school receiving a top environmental award.

Guest of Honour Lt. Col. Stephen J. Cartwright, Commanding Officer The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland led the proceedings in a special ceremony watched by pupils, staff, local Councillors and members of the community to celebrate the schools success in receiving the Eco School’s Green Flag.

Eco Schools is a national award scheme, designed to fit into the curriculum, that gets everyone in the school and local community involved in making their school environment better and aims to make sustainable development a part of the life and ethos of the school.

To gain their Eco Green Flag Croy Primary has had to show that the whole school is involved in running activities to improve their environment, with the help of the wider community.  Pupils and staff have had to demonstrate that they’ve really integrated ‘eco’ behavior across the whole of the school, and that they’ve covered three or four of the nine environmental topic areas thoroughly in the process. Topics include litter, waste minimisation, energy use, water use, transport, health and wellbeing, school grounds and biodiversity.

Head teacher of the 53 pupils school, Mr Derek Martin said:  “We decided to mark getting our Eco Green Flag in a special way which gave us a chance to bring together everyone who has helped and encouraged us along the way.  I am very proud of all the children and today gave us the opportunity to share our success with the whole community.”

Local Councillors Roddy Balfour and John Ford attended the ceremony and spoke of their full support of Croy Primary School in their efforts and congratulated the pupils on achieving Eco School Green Flag status.  They said that they were delighted to have been able to make a contribution from their Ward Discretionary Budget to erect a suitable flag pole from which to fly this prestigious award.

10 Mar 2010