Highland looks towards 2012 Homelessness requirements

Members of The Highland Council's Housing and Social Work Committee have welcomed an update on the Council's Homelessness Strategy and acknowledged the challenges facing the Council in meeting the Scottish Government target to abolish priority needs test for housing the homeless by 2012.

David Goldie, Head of Housing explained to the committee that by the end of 2012 local authorities will be required to provide settled accommodation for every homeless person over the age of 16 who is unintentionally homeless.

Outlining the statistics and trends of homelessness in the Highlands Mr Goldie said: "Although the number of homeless people in the Highlands is still high it has however levelled off at around 2,300 cases of homelessness per year over the last 3 years."

He added that: "The number of repeat homeless applications has decreased steadily which is a welcome development."

The main challenge facing the Council in meeting the Governments targets by 2012 in the Highlands is a housing supply issue which will be a significant pressure
on the Council's affordable housing development programme over the next few years.

Mr Goldie highlighted to members that without a significant reduction in the number of people presenting as homeless and / or an increase in suitable accommodation available to homeless people, the Council will be unable to meet the 2012 target in many of its areas.

Members agreed to the overall approach to reviewing policy and practice on homelessness in the Highlands and agreed that a further report will be presented to the Housing and Social Work Committee in September 2010 with detailed recommendations on the specific changes required and the resources implications for the Council in meeting the 2012 deadline.

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of the Council's Housing and Social Work Committee welcomed the information and recommendations that officers had brought before the committee."


11 Mar 2010