Consultation over primary school closures

The Highland Council is to carry out statutory consultations to close five rural primary schools which the Council considers are no longer educationally viable.

Achaphubuil (near Fort William), Achnasheen (West Ross), Borrodale (Skye) and Glenborrodale (Ardnamurchan) have been moth-balled for some time as a result of falling rolls and the Council is now proposing formal closures.

It is also planned that Uig Primary School on Skye should close as the roll will reduce to only one pupil in August and the condition of the school is considered to be poor.  It is considered that Kilmuir Primary School offers greater educational opportunities.

The outcome of the consultations, which will run for 6 weeks, will be reported to the Education, Culture and Sport Committee in August.

The statutory consultations will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Schools Consultation (Scotland) Act 2010.

11 Mar 2010