Information event targets school leavers with additional support needs

An information event is being organised for young people with additional support needs who are thinking about what they will do when they leave school.

Organised by The Highland Council, over 45 organisations will be exhibiting at the “Transitions Fair” which is being held at Drummond School, Inverness on Friday 19 March, from 10.30am to 5pm.

The event which is aimed at young people with additional support needs is also for their parents and carers. A wide range of exhibitors will be on hand to give information and advice about post-school options from advocacy and autism to work experience and youth development groups.

Linda Schubert, Head Teacher at Drummond School said: “Many people with additional support needs, who are very vulnerable, become increasingly worried about what they will do once they leave school.  The Fair is to demonstrate that there is a huge range of support, advice and services out there that can help them. People coming to the Fair can get information about what is available, and then can start planning for their future. It should be fun and informative; we look forward to seeing plenty of people on Friday the 19th.”

Helen Bull, Principal Teacher and Transitions Co-ordinator at Drummond School added:  “Although the Fair is ideal for Drummond School secondary pupils, their parents and carers; it’s not just for our pupils but for any young person in the Highlands with Additional Support Needs and we know they will find the Transitions Fair informative.”


Exhibitors at the event include:

15 Mar 2010