Education Ward Forum rescheduled

The Highland Council’s Cromarty Firth Ward Forum postponed in February due to bad weather conditions is now due to take place on Thursday 25th March in Invergordon Town Hall. The Forum will start at 7.30pm with teas and coffees available from 7pm.

Education will be the main topic with Mr Ken MacIver, Head Teacher of Alness Academy and Mr Sandy McGregor Acting Head Teacher of Invergordon Academy both attending. There will also be time available for questions from the public.

Ward Forums have been set up across the Highlands to enable the public to have their say in what's happening in their area. The forums meet regularly in public led by the Ward Elected Members in each area, assisted by the Ward Manager. Representatives of Community Councils and partner agencies, such as the police also attend the forums. 

Anyone with an enquiry about their Forum; would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or have any special requirements/needs to help them take part, can contact Helen Ross at the Invergordon Service Point or by phoning 01349 855524 or by emailing


15 Mar 2010