Temporary Road Closures Around City Church

Through traffic on roads surrounding Ness Bank Church in Inverness will be subject to temporary road closures from next Tuesday (25 April) to allow for construction work to take place.

Restrictions will affect the link road between Castle Road and the Ness Bank and Cavell Gardens Road from 8am on Tuesday until 6pm on Friday 4 August.

Castle Road will also be closed to northbound traffic between its junction with Haugh Road and its junction with the Ness Banl and Cavell Gardens Road on various days and at various times between Monday 1 May and Friday 4 August. Vehicular access for southbound traffic will not be affected.

An alternative route for vehicles will be available using View Place, Castle Street, High Street, Bridge Street and part of Castle Street.

The contractor, G Simpson (Builders) Ltd, will erect temporary signage for drivers and will be responsible for managing pedestrian access and access for emergency vehicles.

21 Apr 2006