HMIe Report on Millburn Academy, Inverness

In an HMIe report on Millburn Academy, Inverness the inspectors noted the following particular strengths of the school:

• Confident, articulate and caring young people, and their positive relationships with staff

• The motivating environment for learning created through staff commitment and the high quality new building.

• The welcoming and sociable atmosphere.

• The emerging leadership of the headteacher and the new school leadership team.

In this report the Inspectors judged that all aspects of the work they evaluated were good. In particular the inspectors recognised that young people at Millburn are developing well as confident and articulate individuals.  Most young people leave the school to go on to employment, training or further study. Whilst the inspectors recognised that there were important strengths in all aspects of the work they evaluated there were also some areas for improvement.

The Inspectors agreed a number of areas for improvement with the school and education authority. These were to:

• Ensure consistently high expectation of achievement and learning for all young people, making use of better approaches to tracking.

• Continue to improve the curriculum, taking account of Curriculum for Excellence.

• Implement new anti-bullying and equality policies.

• Increase participation of all stakeholders.

The inspectors were confident that the school would be able to make the necessary improvements in light of the inspection findings. As a result, they would make no more visits to the school in connection with this inspection.
Delia Thornton, Head Teacher, said: "I am delighted that the excellent personal qualities displayed by our young people and the positive relationships they have with staff have been highlighted as strengths of the school.  The inspection report has shown that we have a really hard-working staff, who are fully committed to our pupils and Millburn Academy.”
The Chairperson of the Parent Council, Mr Donald MacKenzie, said: “I am pleased with the progress that has been identified in the report and look forward to continuing progress in the vibrant surroundings of Millburn Academy.”

16 Mar 2010