Allotment meeting at Merkinch

Anyone interested in becoming involved in a new city allotment scheme is invited to attend a meeting next Tuesday (23 March) at the Merkinch Community Centre.

Inverness Central Ward Manager Jimmy Flint will be chairing the meeting on behalf of Highland Council and Merkinch Greenspace and Keith Walker will be giving a presentation on the councils newly adopted policy for supporting allotments across the Highlands.

Ward Manager Jimmy Flint said:  “This is the perfect chance for anyone interested in allotments to come along and find out more. Allotment gardening offers many benefits to individuals, families and communities which is why the Council is very keen to help support local communities who wish to set them up.  People keen to get involved are very welcome to join us next Tuesday.”

During the meeting, which starts at 7pm, a local Allotments committee will be formed and office bearers elected.

16 Mar 2010