Emergency repairs for Ross infrastructure.

A popular tourism route in the Highlands has been identified in need of emergency repairs. Vehicle weight restrictions will be put in place on the highly scenic single track road the C1087 “Bealach n Ba” which is the only access road to Applecross in West Ross.

The restrictions which are to be put in place by The Highland Council are to protect public safety until the Council carries out emergency repair works on a damaged retaining wall near the summit of Bealach n Ba which supports the road.

Members of the Council’s TEC Services Committee were recently informed that a temporary weight restriction of 7.5 tonnes will be put in place to prevent larger vehicles from using the road. The Council will also divert traffic away from the location to minimise the weight of vehicles upon the retaining wall.

The Council is to consult with Ward Members and the local community on the required remedial works which are estimated to cost £130,000 from the Council’s Capital Programme for 2010/11. They will consider a scheme to allow local reconstruction of the retaining wall which will retain the unique local character of the road.  Regular inspections of the retaining wall will be carried out until the remedial emergency works are carried out.

Meanwhile in East Ross, Henrietta Bridge at Avoch has also been closed to vehicular traffic to protect public safety. During the period of extreme winter weather the bridge suffered severe damage to its upstream wall.

Although the bridge has been closed to all vehicular traffic, it remains open to pedestrians and will be subject to regular weekly inspections until remedial works are carried out.

The Council is currently assessing the options and costs for remedial works to Henrietta Bridge and a further report will be taken to the next TEC Services Committee.

19 Mar 2010