Strengthening Support for School Leavers

Over 45 groups gathered at Drummond School’s Transitions Fair held last Friday (19 March). The information event was organised for young people with additional support needs who are thinking about what they will do when they leave school.

Drummond School’s Head Teacher Linda Schubert and Helen Bull (The Fair’s organiser) said: “Our Transitions Fair is a very popular event – it’s for young people with additional support needs, who are in transition.

“We are so grateful to all the organisations who have attended, some for the third year, demonstrating the range of employment providers, support services and other agencies that are out there in our communities to support not only Drummond School senior pupils but young people across Highland.

“Finding positive and sustainable destinations for our senior pupils are a key focus for the school. We have demonstrated this by appointing Helen Bull as our Transitions Co-ordinator. The ‘fair’ is Helen’s creation and it has grown over the years. We can never be complacent about this area of development and I would like to thank all our partner agencies who support us in this endeavour.”

Councillor Jaci Douglas, Highland Council’s Transitions Champion added: “Parents worry about their children’s’ future. For those whose child has additional support needs it can be even more worrying.

“The Transitions Fair is a great showcase of what’s available to school leavers with additional support needs.  Given the right information and support, these young people have the chance to live life to the full, just like all their peers. All the groups who attended the event are to be congratulated on the support and services they deliver for our community.”

Mari Beaton’s daughter Kara has recently left school. Mari said “I am getting involved in Highland Council’s Self Directed Support project. This new project should allow our daughter Kara to benefit and have more choices and options in the future. The Transitions Fair gives other families a chance to find out about this new project. Families still need to work to find out about the options available to them, and I’m glad to be able to help let people know about projects like SDS. The more parents, carers and young people know about what’s out there, the greater their choices are.”

22 Mar 2010