Apprentice Boys of Derry - Inverness Campsie Club

Following consultation between The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary, and the event organisers, permission has been granted for the Apprentice Boys of Derry -  Inverness Campsie Club to hold a march in Inverness on Saturday 10 April 2010.

Involving an estimated 200 marchers and band, the organisers say the march will start at 2pm from the Green Drive area of Inverness, progress down Culduthel Road, Castle Street, View Place, Haugh Road, Cavell Gardens, along Ness Bank, Castle Road, Bank Street, Friars Lane, Friars Street, Glebe Street, Chapel Street, across the Shore Street roundabout, Waterloo Place, and finish at Portland Place.

A spokesman from The Highland Council said:  “Under the European Convention on Human Rights, the law does not allow the Council, as licensing authority, to prevent marches and parades from taking place, unless the risk to public safety outweighs the presumption of freedom of expression.”

A Northern Constabulary spokesman said:  “We have taken account of all matters relating to this event and have developed a measured response to policing, both in terms of traffic management and public safety.”

22 Mar 2010