Young musicians excel

The Highland Regional Youth Orchestra finished their 09/10 season with an outstanding performance in the Averon Centre, Alness on Saturday evening under the baton of their Conductor, Susan Dingle.  The orchestra performed their varied programme at a consistently high standard which showed both ensemble and individual playing of a level way beyond normal expectations of young musicians.

The orchestra Leader, Emma Donald from Dingwall Academy excelled in Danse Macabre and the two young cello soloists in Vivaldi's Double Cello Concerto - David Buhl, Charleston Aademy & Robin Nelson, Fortose Academy gave faultless performances played with maturity and a depth of understanding beyond their years.

There were plenty of opportunities throughout the programme for many of the members to shine in exposed and solo sections of music, but it must be said that the ensemble playing was also superb, allowing the audience to be immersed in a wall of sound which allowed the composers intentions and the Conductor's directions to be enjoyed at their best.

The Highland Council's Music Development Officer, Norman Bolton said: "Once again, members of one of our Regional Music Groups have excelled and it is a continued privilege to work with them.  For many members of the orchestra, Saturday was their last concert as they prepare to leave school. Many of them will have spent several years in our Groups and whilst it is good to have witnessed them grow and mature in both musical and social terms, it is always sad to see them leave.  We can only hope that the experiences afforded then over the years will ensure that they can tackle the next phase of their lives with the confidence and maturity they have shown in their Group performances over the years." 

The next Regional Music Groups to give a public performance will be the Highland Schools Wind Band and the Highland Youth Big Band who will be performing at Nairn Community Centre on Saturday 17 April.  Tickets are now available by contacting Norman Bolton on 01349 863441.

22 Mar 2010