Lochaber Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships

The first Lochaber Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships was held on Friday 19th March in blustery conditions in the Leanachan Forest.  The event was hosted by the Rural Education Trust and Co-ordinated by Active Schools.

Runners came from Kinlochleven, Lochaber and Mallaig High Schools.  Each school was invited to enter teams of 12 runners, 2 boys and 2 girls in the different age categories; S1/2, S3/4 and S5/6.  A total of 37 runners took part.

The Ron Thomson Memorial Cup, donated in memory of the former chairman of the Rural Education Trust, for fastest senior girls was awarded to Kenna Roberston from Mallaig and for fastest senior boy to Koni Johnson from Lochaber High School.  The overall team shield went to Lochaber High School.

Isabel Campbell from the Rural Education Trust said: “We are delighted that the day was such a positive one, the atmosphere was brilliant and it’s so great to see all the high school pupils supporting each other so well.  We decided to hold the event as a tribute to Peter English, a former trustee of the Rural Education Trust; who organised the original Leanachan challenge event in 2008.  After his sudden death last year we were keen to keep the Leanachan Challenge alive to celebrate his enthusiasm and we are really excited by the idea of making it an annual schools race.”

Bridget Thomas, Highland Council’s Active Schools Co-ordinator said: “Thanks to Dugie MacDonald, former Secretary of Lochaber Athletic Club, who planned the course and helped with all the organizing; to the army of volunteers from the Rural Education Trust who provided a splendid lunch for competitors and volunteers; to Lochaber College for help with marshalling; Ruari Watt and forest enterprise for help with setting up and access; the schools staff for putting together teams and all the other volunteers without whom this event would not have taken place.”

Results: LHS (Lochaber High School); MHS (Mallaig High School); KHS (Kinlochleven High School).

22 Mar 2010