Council’s Rangers call on locals to help wildlife.

People are invited out with Highland Council Countryside Rangers to Abriachan Forest above Loch Ness on Saturday 15 May between 2-4pm, to learn what it makes a garden good for wildlife.

The event promises hands-on family friendly activities including making bird boxes and mini-beast shelters and learning more about how to make gardens wildlife friendly.

Katy Martin, Highland Council’s Inverness Ranger said: “Doing very simple things like choosing plants with care or putting up a shelter or beastie box in your outdoor space can be of great benefit to many different animals. This event will show people how much of a benefit they can bring to local wildlife.

“Inverness Bat Group will be making bat boxes alongside this event from 4pm. These boxes will be placed on trees in Abriachan Forest to help provide shelter for bats. Female bats will be giving birth to their young in the next few weeks and so the additional shelters could be useful.”

Places are limited and the event costs £5 adults/£4 children and concessions. The meeting place will be given out on booking. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. For more information please phone the rangers on 01463 710786.

The aim of the Highland Council Countryside Rangers is to promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and to conserve wildlife.

10 May 2010