Presentation of the first Eilean a’ Cheò Civic Awards

Individuals and groups from the Isle of Skye will receive recognition of the important contribution they make to their communities during the presentation of the first Eilean a’ Cheò Civic Awards on Monday 17 May in Portree.

In the Autumn 2009, Elected Members from Ward 11 Eilean a’ Cheò decided to create a Civic Recognition Award  in order to  recognise and celebrate outstanding achievement or voluntary contribution, by a group or individual to the communities of Skye and Raasay.

Nominations were sought for six different categories:

The closing date was 1st April 2010 and the Local Councillors considered all of the nominations at the Ward Business meeting on 12th April. 

Councillor Hamish Fraser, current Chair of the Ward Forum said: “This was a very difficult decision as all of those nominated were worthy of receiving a recognition award. There is a lot of hard work and voluntary effort that goes unrecognised in the Ward and this is a way of saying thank you and well done.”

The Awards will be presented at the Eilean a’ Cheò Ward Forum on Monday 17th May which is being held in the Old Library, Bayfield Lane, Portree.  The Forum starts at 2pm with the Award Ceremony taking place around 3pm.

10 May 2010