Campaign promotes seagull control in the Highlands

A campaign to raise awareness of the problem of seagulls nesting in urban areas in the Highlands has been launched today (Tuesday 11 May) by The Highland Council.

Although the Council has no statutory duty to take action against gulls, it recognises the misery that gulls cause many homeowners and businesses throughout the nesting season, which is just about to begin.

The campaign will see copies of a leaflet on Seagull Control being distributed throughout Council Service Points, libraries, Transport Environmental and Community Services offices and on the Council’s website

It provides information and advice on gulls and the law; problems caused by gulls; the controlling of gulls; deterrent measures; and education about gulls.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC Services Committee, said: “Gulls are very opportunistic scavengers and take full advantage of the leftovers that we humans provide for them and the nesting places that they create in our urban areas. Food sources can either be deliberately provided with food scraps, bread and take-aways or indirectly by overfilling household bins or littering.

“I urge everyone not to drop litter in the streets and not to feed gulls at the riverside, harbour or park. I also call on homeowners not to feed seagulls in their gardens and to ensure that their bin lids are closed; and businesses to ensure that their waste is securely stored.”

The leaflet also explains that only licensed contractors with specialist skill and experience are legally allowed to kill certain species of gulls. It also explains what homeowners and businesses can do to prevent gulls nesting on their properties and gives examples of the different types of deterrent measures that can be taken to try to prevent gulls from nesting.

Councillor Laing added: “There is no easy answer to dealing with the problem of gulls in urban areas but if we can help to educate the public and advise them of the measures available to them then hopefully we can make a difference.”

11 May 2010