Audit Commission’s findings on best value audit welcomed

The Highland Council has welcomed the findings of an audit on the Council’s performance of its statutory duties on best value and community planning, which concludes the council is improving well and is well placed to deliver future improvement.

The Commission found that the council benefits from strong political and managerial leadership. Changes to committee structures and managerial arrangements have allowed the leadership to improve over recent years, providing a clear vision for the Highlands.

It also found the Council is delivering good quality services that are responsive to local communities and that it has effective partnership arrangements.  It acknowledged that satisfaction with the Council and its services is consistently high and improving.  A culture of continuous improvement was found.

The Commission found sound arrangements in place to manage its resources, although it highlighted that improvement is needed in corporate asset management, workforce planning, and in demonstrating competitiveness in how it the Council delivers services in the current financial climate.

Convener Councillor Sandy Park: “The council welcomes the Audit Commission’s findings into how well the Council fulfils its duty to provide Best Value from its resources and in working with other organisations and communities.  This is a positive report which reflects well on Council staff.  I am heartened to see the Council’s efforts recognised independently. “

Leader of the Administration Councillor Michael Foxley noted the comments about the strong political and managerial leadership.

He said: “These very positive comments demonstrate the progress we are making as a council. This leadership requires to be sustained as we chart our way through some very challenging times ahead with severe budget cuts due to the banking failures. We know where we need to improve and will set out a plan for doing this when the Council considers the audit report in full at the Council meeting on Thursday 24 June.”


13 May 2010