CPO is just one string to the bow in Nigg Yard Regeneration Bid

The campaign to secure an early release of the entire Nigg oil yard site in East Ross for a full and effective future use requires at multi-track approach, Highland Councillors have agreed.

Councillor Ian Ross, Chairman of the Planning Environment and Development Committee,  recognised the value of seeking a compulsory purchase order to buy the yard but he noted that the process was time-consuming and other approaches should also be progressed.

He persuaded the Council to work with the Scottish and UK Governments, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and other partner agencies to secure an effective future use in line with the approved Master Plan and with an emphasis on Renewable Energy Developments. The Council has recently written to the Scottish Government, seeking support for public ownership of the site as one early means of breaking the current deadlock.

It was emphasised that the Highland Council should continue its commitment to a Compulsory Purchase Order for the site if this proved to be necessary. The PED Committee on 26 May 2010 would be asked to consider a report and make a decision on the necessary steps required to take forward the Back to Back Agreement as part of the Compulsory Purchase Order process.

14 May 2010