Budget Consultation at Inverness

The Highland Council is holding a series of meetings throughout the area to consult  with the public over options that have been proposed by Services to identify budget savings of £36 million over the next three years.  These options are clearly set out in two budget documents which can be accessed via the home page of our web site  or can be collected from the Town House reception, Inverness

Two meetings are being arranged in in the Inverness area – one at Culloden Academy on Tuesday 1 June and another at the Town House, Inverness, on Tuesday 22 June. Both will start at 7.30 pm.

The Council is asking some big questions about future service delivery and, to get the most out of these meetings, is encouraging group discussions.  The maximum number that can be accommodated in this format is 100 per meeting.

To effectively manage this, entry will be by ticket.  The Council is inviting anyone interested in attending a meeting to  email their preference giving their name, address and telephone number to: morven.macleod@highland.gov.uk or send it to Budget Consultation Meetings, Town House, Inverness IV1 1JJ.

If the demand is greater than can be accommodated at these meetings, a further meeting will be arranged.


14 May 2010