Nairn school celebrates centenary

Millbank Primary School in Nairn is celebrating its Centenary with an Open Day on Saturday 22 May, 2010 from 10am to 3pm.

All are welcome to join the 300-strong pupils, teachers and school staff as they celebrate 100 years since the school opened.

A variety of events and exhibitions will be of great fun and interest including a photographic display, drama activities, and old log books. Millbank Parent Council are organising a school fete with stalls, raffle, refreshments and fun activities, such as bouncy castle, beat the goalie, and splat the rat.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I wish all the past, present and future pupils, parents and teachers my best wishes for the Centenary celebration of Millbank Primary School. I am delighted to see that the school will not only be having fun and celebrations but that they are also ensuring that a record is made of this important occasion for future generations.”

Head Teacher Marion Mackay said: “During this session P4-P7 pupils have worked with Eden Court Outreach Workers, Lorraine Blyth and Roddy Nicolson, to recreate episodes in Millbank’s history.  The children were involved in the research of their topic and were responsible for writing drama scripts.

“Each class of pupils has been divided into a morning or afternoon drama group.  The drama performances will take place from 10am to 12noon or 1pm to 3pm in various classrooms in the school.  There are also a group of children, who will act as guides, to take visitors on the drama tour.

She added: “Morag Maclean, Education and Outreach Co-ordinator with the Council’s Archives Service has worked with P7 pupils to record former pupils’ memories on DVD and audio tape.  The DVD will be played as a loop through a smart board on the open day and there will be a listening booth set up for people to hear audio tapes through head phones.  Another booth will be set up with recording equipment to give former pupils the opportunity to record memories of their Millbank days.

“In our main hall, Nairn Museum staff are setting up a display of photographs relating to Millbank through the Century.  The staff are delighted with the number of newly obtained photographs, which are now added to the Nairn archive collection.  After our open day the display of photographs will be taken to Nairn Museum and will continue to be on show there throughout the summer months.

Past and present staff will gather for a commemorative photograph at 12.15pm.

17 May 2010