HMIe Report on Carr-Bridge Primary School and Nursery Class

In an HMIe report on Carr-Bridge Primary School and Nursery Class, the inspectors note the following particular strengths of the school:

In the report, inspectors highlight that across the school, children are motivated and eager to learn. Children in the nursery are learning to form friendships and play cooperatively indoors and outside. In English language, almost all children are confident and articulate when speaking.  They listen well and respect the views of others.  In mathematics most children are confident and accurate in written calculations involving number, money and measurement.  Pupils benefit from high quality learning experiences in French and music.  Along with additional opportunities to develop skills in a range of sports the pupils receive two hours of high quality physical education per week.

HMIe recognised that the school has a nurturing ‘family’ ethos where children are treated equally, fairly and with respect.  They stated staff know the children very well and have created a very positive environment.
Inspectors particularly recognise the very effective staff teamwork and the involvement of all members of the school community including support staff and volunteers in improving children’s experiences.  The school has developed successful partnerships with a range of agencies and uses the local community well to enrich children’s learning.  The school works very well with parents to support children’s learning.  Inspectors reported on the range of leadership opportunities staff and children experience and commented on the successful curriculum evening which was run by the p6/7 pupils.  The Head Teacher has a clear vision and very high aspirations for the school.

The Inspectors identified only three areas for improvement with the school and education authority. These were:

Commenting on the report Head Teacher Jillian Kean said: “This report reflects our enthusiastic and motivated pupils along with the hard working and dedicated staff. Importantly, the report recognises how the parents, the community and the school work together hand in hand, to help our children progress in their learning and create a school of which we can all feel very proud.”

Chairperson of the Parent Council, Mary Grant also commented: “I am delighted with this report.  It confirmed that we have well mannered, confident children who learn in a very positive environment.  Great communication between staff and parents along with the appreciated contributions from the wider community will continue to add value to our children’s learning experiences.  With Miss Kean’s assured influence, I have no doubt that our school is well on the way to becoming a Centre of Excellence.”

HMIe are confident that the school will be able to make the necessary improvements in light of the inspection findings.  As a result they will make no further visits in connection with this inspection.

18 May 2010