Highland Housing Register allocations policy updated

Changes to the criteria on how social rented housing is allocated in the Highlands have been approved by members of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee.

From September 2010, The Highland Council and partners that allocate Council and housing association properties throughout the Highlands will implement a revised Highland Housing Register Allocations Policy.

Key changes to the policy include:

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee said: “We received a good response from all stakeholders on the allocations policy review and have taken the responses we received into account. We believe these changes will strengthen our common allocation policy and help target scarce social rented housing to those most in need.”

The key organisations in the Highland Housing Register partnership are: The Highland Council; Albyn Housing Society; Cairn Housing Association; Lochaber Housing Association; Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association; and Pentland Housing Association.

The Highland Housing Register Allocations Policy will be reviewed in one year’s time.

4 Jan 2010